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发布日期:2025-01-04 16:40    点击次数:101

  采菊东篱下,    悠然见南山。  相信大家对外国经典作品的翻译引进并不陌生,像我们所熟悉的《红与黑》《巴黎圣母院》《等待戈多》等等外国文学作品,都被翻译成中文版,为中国读者所熟知,我们也因此了解到了西方的文化。  而另一方面,我们中国也有很多经典的文学作品,被翻译成了外文版本,在外国读者中间传播。  翻译这些作品的人,有的是中国人,有的则是外国人。他们中的佼佼者学贯古今,通晓中西文化——这些国外学者,就是东方君今天要为大家介绍的“汉学家”。  汉学家(Sinologist):翻译名词,指从事中国古代、近代或现当代人文社会科学研究的外国学者,主要研究与中国有关的内容,比如中国音乐、中国文学、中国历史等。  他们大多会给自己取中文名字,比如英国的李约瑟,德国的顾彬,美国的宇文所安等等。(这些名字取得是不是还不错?)  今天,东方君将要为大家介绍几位具有代表性的,也是我个人非常尊敬的汉学家:比尔·波特、大卫·霍克斯以及理雅各。  比尔·波特   “陶渊明是我的理想。翻译佛经就是我的道。”  比尔·波特,美国当代作家、翻译家和著名汉学家,曾在哥伦比亚大学读人类学博士,后常年去往中国游历,曾在寺庙中暮鼓晨钟,也曾在终南山探访隐士,翻译过王维、韦应物的诗,撰写了大量记录中国风土文化的游记,在欧美各国掀起了一股学习中国传统文化的热潮。  而他一直不断追寻的,则是我国诗人陶渊明那样的精神生活。  Drawn in the beauty of solitude, pursuing a life inspired by Chinese poetry. A 75-year-old American man and a reclusive Chinese poet who lived 1,600 years ago have come together in an unlikely literary romance.  汲取孤独之美,追求中国诗歌中的精神生活。一位75岁的美国老人和一位中国1600年前归隐田园的诗人,因文学展开了一场穿越时空的邂逅。  Bill Porter, a translator and writer who has dedicated himself to Chinese culture, introduced to the Chinese readers his new book "Paradise of the Mind." The book records a tour Porter made last year of eastern China, during which he traced the footsteps of his favorite poet Tao Yuanming and another ancient poet Su Dongpo, who was a follower of Tao.  比尔·波特是一位致力于研究中国文化的翻译家和作家,他曾向读者推荐他的书《一念桃花源》。该书记录了波特去年在中国东部游历的经历,记载了他一路追寻他最喜爱的诗人陶渊明以及另一位古代诗人苏东坡的足迹(苏东坡的诗受到了陶渊明思想的影响)。  "I love him as a poet, but I like him more as a person," said Porter. The idyllic lifestyle advocated by Tao is what he has been pursuing for his whole life. Porter has translated over 1,600 Chinese poems and written a series of books about his pilgrimages in China over the past thirty years. He is best-known in China for his signature work The Road to Heaven, a book about his times in China's mountains looking for hermits. Since it was published in 2009, the Chinese version of the book has sold over 200,000 copies. For his years of efforts in translating Chinese poems, he was awarded a prize for translation by the American Academy of Arts and Letters in February. "Chinese culture is like a treasure chest, and I want to share with people the treasure I have discovered," he said.  波特说:“我喜欢他的诗,但我更喜欢他的为人。”陶渊明所倡导的田园诗派的生活是他这整整一生都在追寻的。在过去的30年里,波特翻译了1600多首中国的诗,写了一系列关于他在中国朝圣的书。在中国,他因代表作《空谷幽兰》为人所熟知。该书记录了他在中国山间寻找隐士的时光,自2009年出版以来,中文版本的销售量已超过二十万册。由于多年来在中国诗翻译方面的不懈努力,他于今天二月被美国艺术文学学会授予翻译奖。他曾说:“中华文化就像是一个宝藏,我想要和大家分享我发现的这个宝藏。”   In 1972, when he was a doctoral student, he ran into a Chinese monk in New York's China Town, and was introduced to meditation and Buddhist scripture. So he quit school and moved to Taiwan, hiding in temples tucked away deep in the mountains. At first he was attracted only by Buddhism, but later on he found himself lost in the beauty of Chinese poetry and philosophy. Porter's first encounter with Tao Yuanming was in 1975 when he found a collection of Tao's poems in a bookstore. "I was attracted by the thread-bound book and its calligraphy style," he said, "But when I read it I was mesmerized by the lines that carry such a beauty, serenity and simplicity."  1972年,当波特还在读博士的时候,他在唐人街偶遇了一位中国和尚,向他介绍了冥想和佛经。所以他离开学校,搬到了中国台湾,在深山寺庙中过起了隐居的生活。起初,他只是对佛教感兴趣,后来,他发现自己已经沉浸于中国诗和中国哲学之中。1975年,波特在书店中发现了一本陶渊明的诗集,这是他第一次了解到陶渊明这个人。他说:“这本线装书以及它的书法风格吸引了我。当我读这本书时,我对那一行行美丽、宁静、朴素的诗句着了迷。”  Porter ended his three years in temples as a lay Buddhist when  he met his wife, who was studying Chinese philosophy. His passion for China grew so strong that he decided that it was something worth a lifetime of devotion. Under the pen name of Red Pine, he has published some translations of Buddhist scripts and Chinese poems in the United States. He took a series of part-time jobs, including as a tour guide taking groups to China."Translating is not a way to make a living, but a way to enjoy myself," he said. "When I translate poems, the world stops around me." He said he prefers to live a frugal and simple life just like Tao Yuanming did, because "from simplicity, mindfulness arises." Fascinated by the hermit lifestyle depicted by Tao, Porter decided to set off on a pilgrimage looking for real life hermits.  他的妻子研究中国哲学,与她相识后,他才结束了为期三年的居士生活。他对中国的热爱日益强烈,甚至决定要终身为之奉献!他为自己取笔名为“赤松”,在美国出版了一些中国佛经和中国诗歌的译本。除此之外,他还做了各种各样的兼职工作,比如带旅行团去中国旅游。波特说:“对我来说,翻译不是一种谋生的手段,而是一种可以自我愉悦的方式”,“当我翻译诗歌时,世界好像都安静了下来。”他说他喜欢过和陶渊明一样的朴素简单的生活,因为“大道至简”。  Fascinated by the hermit lifestyle depicted by Tao, Porter decided to set off on a pilgrimage looking for real life hermits. In 1989, with a photographer friend from the United States, Porter travelled to the Zhongnan mountains in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, and wrote "The Road to Heaven" based on interviews with the hermits in the mountains. "The Chinese publisher sent me a big sum of money and I was a bit surprised by its popularity in China," he recalled, and that was when he started his three decades as a pilgrim, traveling around China tracing the footsteps of ancient poets, writers and philosophers. During his most recent Tao Yuanming-inspired trip he visited the grave of Tao in Jiangxi Province. He poured three cups of liquor, proposing a toast to the poet. "I was about to cry. It felt as if Tao was standing right in front of me, within my easy reach," he said. It was not the first time he toasted to ancient poets. In 2012, he travelled along the Yangtze and the Yellow rivers, and visited the graves of 36 Chinese poets. Knowing many of them were drinkers, he brought with him two bottles of whisky from the U.S., as he wanted to wake them up with foreign alcohol.  他对陶渊明在诗中描绘的隐居生活十分向往,决定开始一段朝圣之旅,寻找现实生活中的隐士。在1989年,波特和一位美国摄影师好友一起来到位于陕西的终南山,对山中隐士进行采访,在此基础上写成了自己的著作《空谷幽兰》。他回忆道:“当时中国的出版方寄给了我很多稿费,这部作品在中国如此受欢迎,我感到有点惊讶。”从那以后,波特就开始了长达30年的游历,一路追寻中国古代诗人、作家和哲学家的足迹,踏遍中国的万水千山。在最近一次探访陶渊明精神之旅中,波特祭拜了位于江西省的陶渊明的墓,在墓前敬了这位诗人三杯酒。他说:“我当时差点哭了,仿佛陶渊明就在我眼前,触手可及”。这并不是他第一次向古代诗人敬酒。2012年,他沿着长江、黄河一路游历,到36位中国诗人的墓祭拜。他知道很多诗人爱喝酒,于是从美国带来两瓶威士忌,希望用异国的酒将他们唤醒。  Considering his old age, Porter has decided to settle down and stop his wanderings. Together with some friends, he is preparing to open a meditation center in Seattle. "The best things in life are things that can make the world stop," he said, "I found it in Chinese culture, and I would like to share that."  因为自己的年龄越来越大,波特决定定居下来,不再四处游历。接下来,他准备和几个朋友一起在西雅图开一家冥想中心。他说:“生活中最好的事物就是那些能让世界静止的事物”,“这是我在中国文化中的感悟,并且希望将这种感悟分享出去。”  大卫·霍克斯  大卫·霍克斯(David Hawkes),著名汉学家,于1923年出生于英国伦敦。  他从牛津大学中文系毕业后,于中国北京大学就读研究生,后担任牛津大学中文教授,36岁时翻译出了《楚辞》的英文版The Songs of the South,而后翻译的杜甫诗歌(A Little Primer of Tu Fu)更是具权威且广为人知的唐诗翻译作品。  而他最具有代表性的翻译作品,当属《红楼梦》(The Story of the Stone)。  还记得东方君曾经为大家介绍的翻译家杨宪益与戴乃迭夫妇的故事吗?如果说,他们夫妇翻译的《红楼梦》在中国的影响力非凡,那么霍克斯的版本则在西方国家广为流传,让更多的外国读者了解到了我们中国这部经典文学作品。  霍克斯本人是一位“红学”大师,在红学方面的研究颇有心得,因此,他于1970年着手准备《红楼梦》的翻译工作,为此,他甚至不惜辞去了牛津大学中文系教授一职,此举在当时的汉学界引起了广泛的轰动。  他是第一个为了翻译中国作品而辞职的人。用了整整十年的时间,他完成了《红楼梦》前八十回的翻译,后四十回由他的女婿,另一位汉学家闵福德完成。这部译作,自此成为了西方的第一部《红楼梦》全译本。  霍克斯在为世界传播中国经典文学作品的过程中所做出的努力值得我们给予高度的赞扬与敬佩。  他对《红楼梦》的热情,出自真心,发于肺腑,感人至深。他曾这样写道:“如果我能向读者传递出这部中国小说曾给予我的快乐,哪怕只传递了其中的一小部分,我就没有白活。”  泰晤士报教育曾刊曾评价改译本为“我们这个时代英文翻译的最佳范例”,评价霍克斯为“这个时代最伟大的中文翻译家之一”。  《自题一绝》  作者 曹雪芹  译者 霍克斯  满纸荒唐言,  一把辛酸泪!  都云作者痴,  谁解其中味?  Pages full of idle words  Penned with hot and bitter tears  All men call the author fool  None his secret message hears  理雅各  理雅各(James Legge,1815年-1897年),近代英国著名汉学家。他是第一个系统研究、翻译中国古代经典的人。  从1861年到1886年的25年间,他陆续翻译出版了中国的《论语》《大学》《中庸》《孟子》《春秋》《礼记》《书经》《孝经》《易经》《诗经》《道德经》《庄子》等名著。  理雅格的多卷本《中国经典》和《中国编年史》等著作在西方汉学界占有重要地位。  他与法国学者顾赛芬、德国学者卫礼贤并称汉籍欧译三大师,从最初的传教士最终成为一名深谙中华文化的汉学家。  他对中国文化表现出十分认可的亲和态度,结束了当时西方学者对中国文献业余水平的研究,走上了专业化的道路。  时至今日,他对中国四书五经的翻译仍被认为是最经典的标准译本,在古代文献的译文集中常有出现。  采薇  选自《诗经》  理雅各译  昔我往矣,杨柳依依。  今我来思,雨雪霏霏。  At first, when we set out,  The willows were fresh and green;  Now, when we shall be returing,  The snow will be falling in clouds.  除了以上介绍的三位,还有一大批致力于翻译中国文化的汉学家。  他们用深厚的学识,独特的视角,使世界上越来越多的人,感受到了中华文化的魅力。  封面图源:Pixabay